Struck with a case of Mono, Jakob's Solace appears to be very similar to its predecessor, albeit much better produced this time around. At least, that's what the listeners ascertains after initial listens. At the heart of the album, Solace is a gentle listen (particularly a gentle beast), and after returning to Cale:Drew, it becomes apparent that this is what the outfit was a...(展开全部) Struck with a case of Mono, Jakob's Solace appears to be very similar to its predecessor, albeit much better produced this time around. At least, that's what the listeners ascertains after initial listens. At the heart of the album, Solace is a gentle listen (particularly a gentle beast), and after returning to Cale:Drew, it becomes apparent that this is what the outfit was attempting during that album, but who's missteps were fortunate enough to morph it into a different, yet successfull, experience nonetheless. The trio returns on Solace to set things straight, and by noticeable lengthening the songs lengths, the band is able to set the ambient waves into motion. Much of the action of the album takes place in the background, with the drums taking the forefront as crisp ambience floats in and out of the landscape. The "climaxes" are those moments when the guitars take the lead, occasionally switching into "riff mode," but generally just retaliating with a storm of distortion. Subtlety is the name of the game with Solace, and Jakob comes out on top. Second Opinion: Solace is a strong offering that transcends genres and is built around a couple of simply beautiful tracks that will linger in your sub-conscious and haunt your dreams. For this alone, Jakob deserve your attention. -James Ould 这是这只来自新西兰内皮尔的后摇乐队的第三张正式专辑了,他们依旧将他们那种拥有广阔音景的粗张音乐渗入到我们的耳里,而这次,他们依旧和杰出的制作者David Holmes合作来炮制这张杰作,可以说,这张Solace是完全将Jakob前三张作品中的精华之物提取出来,可以说他们音乐的本质早已经是根深蒂固的了,但却从来都不墨守陈规,也可以说是从来的预测不来的,就像潮起潮落那样抓住听众,先是以海洋般壮阔的编曲来迷住你,再用长城般厚实的音墙把你的耳朵像拖进瀑布一样,就这样,一头栽进重氛围器乐金属的水里。 第一首Malachite,Malachite是一种叫孔雀石的石头,是一种颜色酷似孔雀羽毛上斑点的绿色石头,是一种古老的玉料。此曲就象带我们进入到一个充满着孔雀石的巨大洞穴里去,先是伴随着模糊的吉它和鼓声及混沌的音墙在进入洞穴的狭道上探步而进,进入到洞穴后,万千孔雀石发出的绿光充斥在巨大的空间中,就像漂浮在太空般,而此时此刻,却不想被华丽神秘的景象迷惑着,而只是低调地躲在这中绿暗中在自己内心中爆发,暗爽…… 第二首Pneumonic,一开始不断重复的一段旋律就像那被无数病毒侵蚀着的肺,这不断重复的旋律被冰冷的用来制造氛围的电子缠绕着,在冰冷的环境中身体经过一段时间的火烧般挣扎后,终于平静了下来,才觉得是那么的舒服,而后神经突然的一断,身体迅猛地扭成一团,体内终于爆发了,嗯,这首歌的主题是:吸烟有害健康! 第三首Lonesome,一见此名,一闻此曲,寂寞荒凉感顿起,由荒漠到太空,由昏黄到寂黑,唯独寂寞包裹着你,哪怕即使出现了升华,也只能让寂寞璀璨一点而已,而升华与璀璨却是两个高傲的家伙。这只曲的爆炸式段落很好。 第四首Oran Mor,终于用比较清晰的器乐来开场了,鼓在开头一大段时间里扮演了相当出色的角色,然后,你可以体验到他们三个人有多么的激情,若上只Lonesome的激情是属于理性感性的,那么这只Oran Mor则是属于野性本性的,不顾一切的宣泄。 第五首Saftey in numbers,即使外面硝烟弥漫,避难所里却有一丝摄人的温暖安全气息…… 第六首Everything all of the time,秉承了本作的基调,只是高潮早了点。 最后一首Saint开头一副日刚出来,诚心徒步朝圣的音景,率次想爆炸的冲动都被抑制住,使之成为本作最平稳的一只曲。 平稳地结束,令本作也更加的完美,也回应了本作的名字Solace,愿每位听众得以慰藉。 from : Post Rock Golden Week 试听
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