Westminster Cathedral Choir
Martin Barker
介质: Audio CD
发行时间: 2003-02-11
出版者: Hyperion
唱片数: 1
条形码: 0034571173535
介质: Audio CD
发行时间: 2003-02-11
出版者: Hyperion
唱片数: 1
条形码: 0034571173535
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- Hyperion (iuvenalis)
- Early Music@Hyperion (紫铜大火锅儿)
- Palestrina (Pale)
订阅关于Palestrina: Missa Dum Complerentur / Veni Sancte Spiritus的评论:
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0 有用 Pale 2011-09-03 11:08:49
'Purposeful performances by a choir for whom this music is a staple diet, and whose slightly edgy, "continental" treble sound is ideally suited to it' (The Daily Telegraph) 'Here [Martin Baker] rein... 'Purposeful performances by a choir for whom this music is a staple diet, and whose slightly edgy, "continental" treble sound is ideally suited to it' (The Daily Telegraph) 'Here [Martin Baker] reinforces his reputation and that of the choir in energetic accounts of music by Palestrina celebrating Pentecost' (The Guardian) 'The renowned choir are on top form as they respond to Palestrina's majesty … highly recommended' (Gramophone) 'This is a thoughtful, carefully analysed performance—Baker and the Westminster choir communicate a clear sense of the structural logic … the singers are excellent … virtually flawless … shut your eyes and you can almost smell the incense. Very warmly r (展开)
0 有用 紫铜大火锅儿 2012-03-05 19:24:51
0 有用 Pale 2011-09-03 11:08:49
'Purposeful performances by a choir for whom this music is a staple diet, and whose slightly edgy, "continental" treble sound is ideally suited to it' (The Daily Telegraph) 'Here [Martin Baker] rein... 'Purposeful performances by a choir for whom this music is a staple diet, and whose slightly edgy, "continental" treble sound is ideally suited to it' (The Daily Telegraph) 'Here [Martin Baker] reinforces his reputation and that of the choir in energetic accounts of music by Palestrina celebrating Pentecost' (The Guardian) 'The renowned choir are on top form as they respond to Palestrina's majesty … highly recommended' (Gramophone) 'This is a thoughtful, carefully analysed performance—Baker and the Westminster choir communicate a clear sense of the structural logic … the singers are excellent … virtually flawless … shut your eyes and you can almost smell the incense. Very warmly r (展开)
0 有用 紫铜大火锅儿 2012-03-05 19:24:51