《Hey Threre Delilah》真不错
Hey There Delilah!!!
就主打的Hey There Delilah值得听听啊。
这种时候听到这首歌 要怎么办
Hey there Delilah You be good and don't you miss me Two more years and you'll be done with school And I'll be making history like
Oh it‘s what you do to me~
推荐 Easy Way Out,Hey There Delilah
Hey there delilah的現場氛圍超好,聽這個版本就會很嚮往Plain White T's的演出~但是相比之下其他幾首歌就很遜色了。
抒情的木吉他 男声
其实plain white ts的单曲《1234》也好听!
好听的 哈
A thousand miles seems pretty far, But they've got planes and trains and cars, I'd walk to you if I had no other way.
简单的吉他和旋 简单的旋律和歌词 却是这么纯粹的感动
总觉得只有Hey There Delilah这一首听的入耳
> Hey There Delilah
3 有用 [已注销] 2010-08-13 21:08:50
《Hey Threre Delilah》真不错
1 有用 Song³ 2009-04-16 15:30:00
Hey There Delilah!!!
1 有用 私享史 2012-07-25 15:14:28
就主打的Hey There Delilah值得听听啊。
0 有用 固力果guriko 2011-09-13 19:39:26
这种时候听到这首歌 要怎么办
0 有用 H!karu 2013-06-08 23:18:27
Hey there Delilah You be good and don't you miss me Two more years and you'll be done with school And I'll be making history like
0 有用 zard砸得王大崩 2007-09-25 11:33:13
0 有用 香水瓶 2009-03-25 15:03:24
0 有用 李念河重出江湖 2012-04-28 22:14:13
Oh it‘s what you do to me~
0 有用 Topfun 2013-03-26 11:14:51
推荐 Easy Way Out,Hey There Delilah
0 有用 不良少女劉蘭蒂 2012-03-30 23:27:22
Hey there delilah的現場氛圍超好,聽這個版本就會很嚮往Plain White T's的演出~但是相比之下其他幾首歌就很遜色了。
0 有用 席德 2006-10-07 11:08:59
抒情的木吉他 男声
0 有用 Yome 2009-01-30 21:12:35
0 有用 兔男郎 2010-12-24 22:02:30
其实plain white ts的单曲《1234》也好听!
0 有用 Seamoon 2013-06-05 20:13:13
0 有用 葵花卷 2015-03-18 08:53:18
0 有用 小猪de世界 2007-07-28 14:00:38
好听的 哈
0 有用 masquerade 2011-02-14 18:33:15
A thousand miles seems pretty far, But they've got planes and trains and cars, I'd walk to you if I had no other way.
0 有用 Gavin|江湖骗子 2013-08-10 18:48:42
简单的吉他和旋 简单的旋律和歌词 却是这么纯粹的感动
0 有用 昵称已被占用 2012-10-16 15:37:51
总觉得只有Hey There Delilah这一首听的入耳
0 有用 Yoo 2010-10-21 15:47:14