The Science of Sleep的乐评 (4)

biiru_u✨ 2007-11-11 15:41:53

If you rescue me

If you rescue me, I'll be your friend forever, Let me in your bed, I'll keep you warm in winter, All the kiddies are playing and they're having such fun, I wish that could happen to me, But if you rescue me, I'll never have to be alone again. Oh the cars dr...  (展开)
西瓜里的蛀虫 2011-07-31 16:55:17

噹噹噹 113+2

113+2 提取码:e62vcf76 If you rescue me If you rescue me I'll be your friend forever Let me in your bed I'll keep you warm in winter All the kiddies are playing and they're having such fun I wish that could happen to me But if you rescue me I'll never...  (展开)
朵杜 2008-09-21 18:51:02

The Science Of Sleep (睡眠科学Soundtrack)介绍

  ★「王牌冤家」奥斯卡最佳编剧奖得主Michel Gondry编导力作。   ★2006年日舞影展、金马国际影展热门参展片。   ★法国音乐家Jean-Michel Bernard以电子音乐、管弦乐以及多采多姿的音乐风格建构奇想梦境。   ★全体演员把The Velvet Underground名曲“After Hours“...  (展开)
see 2007-11-22 17:34:42


怎么说呢,做得完全不用心呀 好的OST可以是一种再创造,从另一个角度对电影的诠释。 但是这张简直让我怀疑是不是拼凑出来的 大量的电影对白…… 不过好就好在,没有了画面,单从听觉方面重温诸如Stephane的梦呓等也是很有意思的 也许是我期望过高? 看封面就知其敷衍程度 但...  (展开)

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