Price sounds woofy but not as bad as the modern sopranos; Corelli is one of the best interpreters of Don Jose ever, his interpretation is very emotional; Merrill's voice is very powerful, which is very suitable for the Toreador; Freni is a fine lyric soprano, not as good as Maria Carbone but her interpretation is very impressive. 4.5 stars.
Georges Bizet
Wiener Philharmoniker
Herbert von Karajan
Leontyne Price
Franco Corelli
Vienna State Opera Choir
Mirella Freni
Robert Merrill
唱片数: 3 版本特性: Original recording remastered 条型码: 0743213949529 发行时间: 1997-02-03 唱片名: Bizet: Carmen / Price, Corelli, Merrill, Freni; Karajan 出版者: RCA 介质: Audio CD
0 有用 湖畔风景 2012-04-21 11:00:09
0 有用 脑震荡 2010-12-31 11:07:01
0 有用 Sid 2011-04-10 21:35:58
0 有用 貘 2008-04-27 20:51:25
0 有用 浮木漂流 2010-06-19 17:38:24
0 有用 狗内 2018-12-22 21:04:16
黑人卡门 别有韵味
0 有用 獨頭繭 2022-10-29 11:06:00 江苏
0 有用 银河邮递员 2024-05-21 22:48:04 陕西
0 有用 michael 2023-03-28 20:16:51 湖北
0 有用 逝者如斯 2021-04-26 12:45:35
Leontyne Price 声音好听
0 有用 FrancoCorelli 2020-09-13 05:29:15
Price sounds woofy but not as bad as the modern sopranos; Corelli is one of the best interpreters of Don Jose ever, his interpretation is very emotional; Merrill's voice is very powerful, which is very suitable for the Toreador; Freni is a fine lyric soprano, not as good as Maria Carbone but her interpretation is very impressive. 4.5 stars.
0 有用 fei.fei 2020-02-29 07:31:27
@2013-04-21 18:36:48
0 有用 かぜとともいく 2023-12-25 18:51:33 山西
@2021-11-02 22:31:21 @2023-03-03 04:44:49
0 有用 DKSK 2020-11-06 22:53:47
琢磨了一晚上给外甥女搞点什么钢基教材 居然就把这大部头听完了 可以
0 有用 王黄 2024-11-03 21:07:14 北京
卡门的主题,之前觉得是准确描述风格与modern nation的问题意识,光是梳理清楚这一点就是个一流天才,现在想来还没那么简单。卡门是非理性、无共识、无逻辑、无信用、混乱冒充自由贫下中农的化身,并且导致了他人无所适从的期待,这种期待是一种延续(duration)和无法摆脱的现象,是纯粹的他律、不自由状态,好像拿到了信用不稳定的意义兑换券,堕入了一种劣质时间当中。男主去捅死卡门一方面是爱情大于生命的传统价值冲突强调,同时也是对现代劣质现象学时间的反抗,从价值混乱的现代直接回到古希腊去。
0 有用 莫肖貝 2019-12-28 21:21:10
0 有用 顾焕歌 2019-12-25 18:23:02
Robert Merrill 这男中唱的都不如我了。 Corelli 咬字也是一坨屎。