'Arena' contains all the very best themes written by maestro Morricone for the soundtracks of a lot of Italian & international movies. The album was recorded at the Arena in Verona during a memorable concert where Morricone himself conducted a 90 element orchestra (Roma Sinfonietta) & 100 choir singers of the Coro di Roma. 12 tracks. WEA. 2003.
0 有用 雨 2019-05-13 07:28:19
2 有用 Белка 2009-07-09 10:07:44
既没有机会看到罗马竞技场的演出,也错过了今年5月人民大会堂的震撼,也许这辈子无缘亲眼见到大师。虽然不太专业,但我一向最爱看交响音乐会~能看到音符就这样流淌出来的感觉实在太好!……这盘现场DVD几乎看不下去T T眼前浮现的全是电影中的片段....OST的力量!!!……尤其是至爱的Cinema Paradiso和1900...........再次向大师致敬
0 有用 湄湄迩 2020-12-22 23:37:58
0 有用 Downing 2008-11-19 15:55:40
0 有用 飞天猪 2009-07-30 14:49:59
0 有用 野次馬 2009-11-03 17:05:10
0 有用 湄湄迩 2020-12-22 23:37:58
0 有用 ViviENZ 2012-04-05 05:09:06
没话说 大气磅礴啊
0 有用 南京西路 2017-07-16 21:48:31
some people were born to be music geniuses and he is one of them
0 有用 azkaban 2007-03-29 18:14:41
Arena Concerto