Affenstunde is the 1970 debut recording by composer and multi-instrumentalist Florian Fricke's Popol Vuh, named for the sacred Mayan text. Affenstunde is somehow akin yet very different. The music here all seems of a piece, despite the different selection titles and the single percussion piece on the set. The sheer momentum of the title cut, which closes the album and integra...(展开全部) Affenstunde is the 1970 debut recording by composer and multi-instrumentalist Florian Fricke's Popol Vuh, named for the sacred Mayan text. Affenstunde is somehow akin yet very different. The music here all seems of a piece, despite the different selection titles and the single percussion piece on the set. The sheer momentum of the title cut, which closes the album and integrates spacious electronic soundscapes, ever deepening tonalities, found taped choral vocals whispering in the background, and percussion is one of the most provocative pieces to come from the Krautrock generation. This is an auspicious debut, which holds up wonderfully in the 21st century. This re-release features a 10:30 mins bonus track!
0 有用 RIC 2013-01-13 17:40:13
1 有用 快转眼球 2021-05-11 22:39:45
0 有用 小豆子 2009-05-04 20:21:51
0 有用 Masturbass 2019-05-16 11:42:29
和橘梦phaedra一样听不来 就非洲鼓那首还行 可能我太俗了
0 有用 核桃很睿智 2022-11-16 12:55:59 美国
Moog合成器演奏,加一些其他电子音效,配上世界音乐里的打击乐,Popol Vuh挺有开创性。他们后续的作品就没有这么groovy与复杂的打击乐律动了。
0 有用 crascopy 2020-08-01 02:00:21
83/100 偏氛围
0 有用 大隐隐于树 2023-11-14 20:03:54 北京
0 有用 阿晒 2020-06-01 11:20:29
0 有用 Imohag 2022-05-07 16:34:30
谢谢你 再也不在考试的时候刷新专
0 有用 小豆子 2009-05-04 20:21:51