A feverish and disturbing set of songs, but it's also some of the group's most accessible. His songs play out like bedroom symphonies, bedroom confessions over chimes and gonging bells and industrial beats and buttery guitar leads that slide through the songs like a straight razor opening up skin. Elaborate, ornate, and bubbling over with noise, but with a sense of less-is-mo...(展开全部) A feverish and disturbing set of songs, but it's also some of the group's most accessible. His songs play out like bedroom symphonies, bedroom confessions over chimes and gonging bells and industrial beats and buttery guitar leads that slide through the songs like a straight razor opening up skin. Elaborate, ornate, and bubbling over with noise, but with a sense of less-is-more; minimalism over excess. A 35-minute dreamscape of scraping urgency that haunts and disturbs.
一支美国乐队取个中文名字有什么好处?比如传奇说唱组合武当派(Wu-Tang Clan),至少表明了中国功夫在美国嘻哈文化中的符号重要性。然而,2000年组建于美国加州圣何塞的秀秀(Xiu Xiu)乐队,却仅仅是因为陈冲导演的电影《天浴》(英文名叫做“Xiu Xiu: The Sent Down Girl”...
0 有用 运动贱将王德宝 2010-04-22 20:58:31
0 有用 。 2013-04-13 21:29:58
0 有用 Enceladus 2012-07-02 01:16:59
0 有用 喷嚏狗 2024-10-30 21:08:25 日本
0 有用 lula 2007-02-19 01:13:29
原盘入手,而5RC已经不在了,可惜。 电音和采样让它很酷,Xiu Xiu会逐渐被很多人接受,可会有多少人知道,一开始它是多么的难听。。 另外觉得这张没以前那么len了,有点儿往deerhoof靠
0 有用 玛芬无声大叫 2017-07-02 23:05:33
still 看到分数就生气
0 有用 : 2017-11-05 04:06:27
听到老板放xiuxiu的wondering的时候 我还是惊了
0 有用 wangzhy 2017-05-12 21:02:04
流行性 & 悅耳度堪比最新的 Forget
0 有用 tangerine 2020-09-21 03:28:47
好可爱哦哦哦 cute and dissonant
0 有用 BuBBle_Bro 2023-09-19 02:41:13 浙江