Carlos Kleiber Conducts Strauss的乐评 (2)

JuJu 2010-03-11 12:54:05

He is also a great dancer and sound conveyer

Carlos Kleiber is one of those conductors you have to watch instead of just listening to. He is not only conducting, he is also dancing and using every part of his body to convey the delicate, intricate, full-fledged hard-to-describe____ (you fill in the b...  (展开)
蒹葭苍苍 2017-12-12 19:56:47


在克拉普芬森林法兰西波尔卡。这串莫名其妙的文字在1989年的1月1日就已经在我的心底深深镂刻,从来没有过片刻的淡忘。 盎然的春意,悠扬的短笛声中有布谷鸟在歌唱。后来有很多次的1月1日,这美妙的声音由许多不同的大师来演绎。比如Georges Pretre。80多岁高龄的法国男人,用一...  (展开)

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