In the Wind 短评

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  • 0 Sirius 2020-11-27 00:44:50

    don't think twice (it's all right)

  • 0 Sburrow 2011-10-24 11:42:15

    the sun slowly sank in the grey of the sky...

  • 0 棠梨煎饺 2019-05-24 20:54:42

    第一次听是阿甘正传里,珍妮在酒吧里几乎全裸地抱着吉他,在阿甘面前唱到: how many roads must a man walk down before they call him a man. 当时觉得珍妮才不是我想的肤浅堕落的拜金女,她内心的痛苦大概从未示人吧。就像西村袋子说的,每个人心中都有一团火,路过的人只看到烟 后来听到peter paul and mary的版本,觉得这个已经不是人生痛苦我也活的痛苦的感受了,而是像在静静讲述一个故事,或者一个老朋友慢慢地和你讲大道理,故事很痛苦,可是却早已经释然了

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