The Delfonics
流派: 放克/灵歌/R&B
专辑类型: Original recording remastered
介质: Audio CD
发行时间: 1968-02-14
出版者: Buddha
唱片数: 1
条形码: 0744659980428
流派: 放克/灵歌/R&B
专辑类型: Original recording remastered
介质: Audio CD
发行时间: 1968-02-14
出版者: Buddha
唱片数: 1
条形码: 0744659980428
以下豆列推荐 · · · · · · (全部)
- P4K 200 Best Albums of the 1960s (mibo lost)
- 斗普的狗屎Vol.2 (prosubmarine)
- 我的收藏
- 9.1 (2:19)
- Mostax·Soul Classics (eghver)
订阅关于La La Means I Love You的评论:
feed: rss 2.0
0 有用 kpin 2012-03-24 11:37:46
1 有用 redhousepainter 2013-03-27 21:18:26
0 有用 。 2020-10-01 21:45:23
0 有用 胤挽仪 2020-08-19 05:57:21
1 有用 Heliconia 2011-11-26 12:51:42
0 有用 。 2020-10-01 21:45:23
0 有用 夏秋的二相性 2022-05-03 09:15:25
0 有用 16³ 2022-01-27 11:59:51
"For most of the ’60s, soul music was defined by the pop-minded sounds of Detroit and the bluesier rhythms of Memphis, but with this album, Philadelphia elbowed its way to the table; introduced the wo... "For most of the ’60s, soul music was defined by the pop-minded sounds of Detroit and the bluesier rhythms of Memphis, but with this album, Philadelphia elbowed its way to the table; introduced the world to an imagining of R&B so suave and gentlemanly." 在聪慧的女士的面前,La La Means I Love You是一无所有但热忱满满的走心男人,是娇嫩的假声和层层绽开的和声中开出一朵脆弱却真挚的男性玫瑰。 (展开)
0 有用 tata 2023-02-12 16:55:27 浙江
0 有用 36Chambers 2023-01-09 19:33:51 重庆
Philly soul