评分: A+ 在你开始大谈“整体氛围”之前 应该明白这不是一张氛围专辑,而是Al Green最好的单曲专辑; more specifically,是他唯一有三首top10单曲的专辑, 这三首里“Call Me”和“You Ought to Be With Me”是 “Lets Stay Together”之后他最顺的Ballad; 而“Here I Am”...
同样在滚石500大排名200多,I'm Still in Love with You那张像是一张ballad概念专辑,这一张就是变成单曲合集了:歌词内容和曲风都有明显的差异,不变的是那变态的唱功。这也是Al Green两张RC A+神砖的第一张(私以为稍高了)。 Call Me, Here I Am和You Ought to Be with Me三...
I originally believed people would buy this only so they wouldn't have to get up and flip I'm Still in Love with You, and I was probably right. But no other album documents Green's genius for the daring nuance so thrillingly. "Stand Up" is the subtlest blac...
0 有用 TakeItEasyTed 2013-04-22 15:10:07
0 有用 YANG 2014-12-16 15:00:53
Stand up、Here Iam、you have you been makin out OK、you ought to be with me 、jesus is waitin
0 有用 AndyYoung 2023-02-14 15:01:07 美国
84. 不如I'm Still in Love With You吧
0 有用 lingkong 2012-01-27 11:17:21
0 有用 Jenova 2022-12-07 15:10:39 山西
70s来说比之marvin stevie显得更古早更根源,need in the right mood…
0 有用 Breezy 2024-04-23 10:10:25 北京
0 有用 阿煩 2024-07-22 21:19:44 四川
0 有用 momo 2024-04-27 03:25:31 福建
0 有用 MEMPOET 2024-06-21 17:43:57 四川
0 有用 Blues Bill 2024-09-29 17:21:14 上海
上两张有我更喜欢的单曲但Call Me无疑是Al整体水准更好的一张作品