Undiscovered的乐评 (32)
You Give Me Something
不晓得为什么最近的英国男生一出现就以沧桑惊艳四座。很讨巧。 而且那一头的卷发和一脸的胡子几乎都成了英国男人的标志了。喜欢。 开始期待他的第二张大碟了。 严重 推荐: Wonderful World You Give Me Something The Last Goodbye One Last Chance lahaha~
写在James Morrison 08新专发布前
Fantastic news Wednesday 10 Sep 2008 Some of you may have heard the news today that James and Gill have had a baby girl. We're delighted to officially confirm that this is true and that both are over the moon. More info to follow shortly. 来自James Morr...
最初听到 you give me something ,于是发现了这个声音磁性无比的英伦小伙儿,据说他曾经是街头卖场的艺人,像极了once里的主角,英伦三岛上从来都是盛产音乐天才的乐园! 感觉他的声音很像james blunt.. 他的两张专辑都不错
What a nice surprise!
被他的"You give me something"给惊艳到了,貌似第一次听还是睡觉之前,夜深人静得只剩下我和iPod,结果是我激动得在被子里手舞足蹈(有点夸张啦)。。。慵懒沙哑的声线里浸透着固执与力量,完全与我看到专辑封面时所想象的大相径庭。