Huang Chung 短评

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  • 0 乡村致富经 2022-07-05 14:13:34

    挺好听。歌名儿都够傻的。不能说对得起黄钟大吕 我天国 十二律 但起码制作还不错。

  • 0 DJ苏克西 2009-03-28 02:10:13

    我以为蝗虫呢...成员里没一张中国脸,也没查到乐队有什么中国情结,很逗的是"Chinese Girl"里唱的Chinese girls will melt your heart and take your breath away...put their hands around their heads and through their chinese hair多明显的古典女子,可是配乐听着像悍妇!ps. Rising In the East挺好听的,就是词写得不知所云

  • 0 宠物店郊狼 2024-05-24 12:06:59 浙江

    什么asian fetish

  • 0 ♟👔☔∠ 2023-11-05 13:11:25 福建

    @2022-06-08 10:45:02

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