Taken from the album Hurricane Bar, which has gone gold in 4 territories, this single marks the band’s latest assault on British ears, birth place of the shining pop melodies covered in guitar scuzz they love. 'Down In The Past' was produced by Richard Rainey, the man behind the controls for U2’s 11 million selling album All That You Can’t Leave Behind. Mute. 2005.
昨天看IEM5欧洲区总决赛的视频直播,临比赛前听到这首Down in the past,劲爆的曲风正合了CS1.6将要开始的巅峰对决,开始还不知道是叫这个名字,于是用仅听得清的几句歌词"she will make sure that you remember...",居然很快就找到了,然后就很快下到电脑上了,听着反而没有现...
0 有用 yuryo 2018-02-07 10:24:57
0 有用 系喇嘛 2008-07-30 10:50:16
Diao...your name just like dork or geek...but... actually...you're the Mr.moon...月神先生...
0 有用 昏睡的哦莫纳 2011-01-19 22:49:15
0 有用 夕鱼 2012-03-07 22:49:13
0 有用 Kuroutadori 2019-04-07 14:18:02
down in the past好听。又是那种,多听几遍越听越好听,但听太多又不好听的
0 有用 安大 2010-12-17 11:56:21
0 有用 方舒逸 2019-09-20 16:39:40
0 有用 Yummmmm 2010-05-19 17:58:51
Good Morning Herr Horst
0 有用 echo 2019-07-28 11:15:44
Mando Diao 脑残粉是我.
0 有用 soniclee 2008-11-04 22:04:32
this world is crowded with garage!