Modern Times的乐评 (6)
“Everybody got to wonder what's the matter with this cruel world today”(人人都想弄明白如今这个残酷的世界到底怎么了)——“Thunder on the Mountain” 最近在Bob Dylan的专辑歌曲排列顺序上发现这样一件规律:他很多正式专辑的第一首歌都是律动性很强的,带有强烈Blu...
傍晚的薄雾笼罩小镇, 星星在小溪的边缘闪着微光, 底层人们的购买力开始下降, 钱正在变薄,不再耐用, 我最爱的地方只存在我甜美的回忆中, 他们说工资低已是现实, 如果我们想要对外竞争(指资本如果想要取得对外竞争优势,就要压低劳动者薪水以降低成本), 来,在我的膝盖...
Review by Thom Jurek
When Bob Dylan dropped Time Out of Mind in 1997, it was a rollicking rockabilly and blues record, full of sad songs about mortality, disappointment, and dissolution. 2001 brought Love and Theft, which was also steeped in stomping blues and other folk forms....