why, or why not的乐评 (2)

C.C. 2010-01-06 12:41:47


有那么一段时间我曾经痴迷这首歌,不那么地道的英文,不那么唯美的氛围,只是很少会有这样一种味道被我嗅出来,来自血,来自丑陋人生的扭曲。以前从来不知道原来恐怖可以用音乐这样地表达,即使是一种深深的绝望,一种声嘶力竭的呐喊,也可能,只是一种没有泪水的哭泣  (展开)
伊麗莎白 2009-04-25 13:42:46

整个世界都已停止转动 我满身束缚

to get my happiness i had done everything but had done nothing to be blamed and accused of the sound of footsteps became loouder every day then i noticede the face there was no time i was a believer in life to be myself always and was asking whether i...  (展开)

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