The Open Door的乐评 (25)

Pretty Good
Now I have downloaded The Open Door from E-mule and have listend to it over ten times. I have to say it's a pretty good album, according to my taste. I even tend to think it's a bit better than their former albums. Honestly I don't like Evanescence's previo...

Where does the door open to?
虽然不敢说自己是忠实fans,对Fallen 这张专辑的喜爱让我一直超级期待他们的续曲。终于三年之后,我们迎来了open doors。 看到专辑的封面我就有点小失望,太卡通了,像动画片一样。紧接着打榜的Call me when you're sober 也提不起我的太多兴趣,虽然Amy的声音还是那么浑圆有力...

Lithium和Good Enough
My Immortal就是思念 钢琴与小提琴的配合永远是一缕忧伤的轻烟,萦绕在平静的心头,就好像他们本来就是悲伤的产物。一段时间里,总是喜欢在深夜聆听Amy清唱My Immortal,因为没有光线,有光线的地方就有真实的世界,我想暂时脱离这干燥的现实。于是,沉入这歌声中,我看见的...