Darkthrone’s new album, 'Sardonic Wrath' is an explosive work of regression embedded with the original, solid black metal vitality that this legendary band is renowned for. "This album is inspired by the same things as the previous albums" explains Noctumo Culto. "I've always wanted to create those killers riffs and that is what makes me do this after all these years," contin...(展开全部) Darkthrone’s new album, 'Sardonic Wrath' is an explosive work of regression embedded with the original, solid black metal vitality that this legendary band is renowned for. "This album is inspired by the same things as the previous albums" explains Noctumo Culto. "I've always wanted to create those killers riffs and that is what makes me do this after all these years," continues Fenriz. "I have no control over what became of black metal after '92 / '93 so Darkthrone gives me the opportunity to create my own ugliness. I let everyone dress up whilst I dress down, basically."
0 有用 日灼 2012-09-05 22:20:14
7/10 最后一首好
0 有用 CyniC 2009-06-30 20:55:00
灵魂压缩的感觉 喜欢封面
0 有用 VanilMsou 2021-07-15 13:46:37
Moonfog旗下最后一张,The same as before!!!
0 有用 maolight 2022-11-16 08:45:01 四川
0 有用 開膛手傑克 2012-06-19 04:31:17
号称the last black metal album,但是已经听到一些转型的苗头了……更thrash的riff和若干punk的鼓
0 有用 maolight 2022-11-16 08:45:01 四川
0 有用 XAr 2009-01-04 05:25:19
0 有用 開膛手傑克 2012-06-19 04:31:17
号称the last black metal album,但是已经听到一些转型的苗头了……更thrash的riff和若干punk的鼓
0 有用 Blackmass 2020-02-28 13:37:42
融入朋克/金属/摇滚元素,在黑金属的原本冰冷、黑色躯体披上了一层更为粗粝 、坚硬的战袍,使得音乐变得更加直接,充满了冲击力和攻击性,和传统摇滚乐的律动和跳跃感。毫无疑问,darkthrone无时不刻都在诠释原始黑金属的精神内核,其突破自身的创新精神让黑金属音乐不断朝着多元化的方向上进行更为广阔的发展。
0 有用 日灼 2012-09-05 22:20:14
7/10 最后一首好