Mozart: The Piano Sonatas的乐评 (2)

le frisson™ 2006-12-14 02:28:44

Clarity of Vision

I'm unabashedly biased in my review of this box set. Schiff has fundamentally changed my view of the first Viennese School through his recordings & live performances of the works of Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven & Schubert, amongst others. The defining qualitie...  (展开)
看字工 2010-07-14 16:27:28


十多年前,我刚开始接触古典音乐的时候,曾买过一套不完整的打口带,是华纳公司的原版。那套带子好像叫什么“伟大的音乐家”系列,收了巴赫、贝多芬、莫扎特、柴可夫斯基、肖邦等一批音乐家的代表作品。因为打口带很难成套,我几经搜罗,才买到那个系列中的十几盘,莫扎特的大...  (展开)

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