A Blaze in the Northern Sky的乐评 (3)

㗊蕤冰 2006-11-30 12:28:19


当时,我的朋友在卖打口的小胖子那里花了六块钱买到了这张专辑的磁带,从此形影不离。当他回到济南卖了一年打口回到合肥,这盘磁带从外到内,都已经磨损的不成样子,本来漆黑的封面花白一片,那张邪恶的尸脸早已看不清楚,放进卡座,那声音更加原始,更加Old School,更加黑。...  (展开)
小灰狼666 2011-11-20 21:57:57


最经典的原始黑的经典专辑之一,咱今天也来鉴赏一下。 1. Kathaarian Life Code (Darkthrone) - 10:39 首先看到专辑觉得是歌的长度都够长……然后扑面而来的并不是嘈杂的失真,而是很沉重很空鸣的带着doom风格的鼓声和阴暗曲调……仿佛宗教气氛的音乐,然后教徒般的吟唱...  (展开)
rui 2021-10-07 13:12:08


Darkthrone's debut album was basically Swedish death metal, which made it all the more surprising when they unleashed the most evil and black album the world had ever heard in 1992. One of the most influential albums in metal, Darkthrone nailed the coldness...  (展开)

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