Tchaikovsky: The Seasons的乐评 (3)

2020-01-06 22:43:38


1、《壁炉边》January—At the Fire Side “在那宁静安逸的角落,已经笼罩着朦胧的夜色,壁炉里的微火即将熄灭,蜡烛里的微光还在摇曳闪烁……”——普希金 2、《狂欢节》February—Carnival 在欢腾的狂欢节,酒筵多么丰盛……”——普.维亚杰姆斯基 3、《云雀之歌》March—So...  (展开)
古典音乐发烧友 2017-09-30 20:13:23

Autumn's Song

Autumn's Song flows past my ears once again. Sorrowful and mirthless with the falling leaves. It always breeds me, but I never comprehended It like this time.  (展开)
mozarter 2010-05-25 16:22:53


非常优美的音乐,Ashkenazy的触琴感性优雅,把老柴的四季和加几首小品弹得优美动人,让人深醉于音乐之中~  (展开)

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