Pedro The Lion小组:
Of Up and Coming Monarchs
sunken ships rest
upon the ocean floor
where i've made my home
to dodge the draft once again
there once was a time when one could flee to the north
but canada's not what she used to be
boycott the world when she could not afford to
thanks to the new american queen
swim with me
and we'll escape all the troubles of the present age
finally free
the mermaids teach us
how to breathe beneath
the line that now divides
actions and apathy
swim with me
and we'll escape all the troubles of the present age
finally free
The Longer I Lay Here
one, two, three, one ready go...
you're up with the sunrise
and down when the work's been done
with excellence industry
diligence naturally
i would like to be you
just for a few habit-forming years
laziness cuts me like fine cutlery
i need a miracle - someone to help me
sweet jesus, i need you
forgive me this sin
not hookers or heroin, gambling or gin
it sounds so ridiculous, but i just can't lick this
i need a miracle - someone to help me
someone to help me
help myself
Big Trucks
dad, dad, why did you let that man push you around like that
you should've beat him down - down to the ground - down to the ground for that
he says, "son, you're still young and you always jump the gun"
there are real people in the big, big trucks
that you flip off when they get in your way
you get so hacked, that you pay no mind to the great big sign that says oversized load
do you really think they can go as fast, as you in your 87 trans am
they know you're in a terrible rush but they're going just as fast, as fast as they can
dad, dad, i really don't understand what driving big trucks has to do with that man
you should've taught him a lesson about being rude about talking to you with such an attitude
son you're still youngand you always jump the gun
you get so hacked, that you pay no mind to the great big sign that says oversized load
do you really think they can go as fast, as you in your 87 trans am
they know you're in a terrible rush but they're going just as fast, as fast as they can
Suspect Fled the Scene
old friend
your horse is ready to ride when morning comes
from this church town where damning rumors drip from holy tongues
it won't go away
it won't go away
it won't go away
fever to find the scapegoat fast and fix the blame
i know you never meant to leave the way you came
it won't go away
it won't go away
it won't go away
looking down from that stain glass steeple
they'll never know why you had to run
ride as fast as you can
they're shooting to kill
Bad Diary Days
Barely ever fight, she knows that I love her.
At first we made it every night, but I don't wanna bug her about it.
She just has a funny way of loving me.
A pair of ticket stubs in her desk - a movie I'd never seen.
I probably shouldn't ask - it sounds so accusing.
she must have forgotten to mention girl's night out.
The breakfast cereal talked more than we did all day long.
I asked her for a walk, but she had to be on her way.
So I told her that I knew she'd been stepping out.
She swore that she could explain.
She swore that it would not happen again.
She swore that she could explain.
We both knew her words were in vain.
The Longest Winter
spring comes slowly
to this old friend
still i'm frozen
and still live alone
in time
memories fade
senses numb
one forgets how it feels
to have loved completely
love well young man
while you still can
once your leaves turn
you won't love again
in time
memories fade
senses numb
one forgets how it feels
to have loved completely
is it special when your lonely
will you spend your whole life
in a studio apartment
with a cat for a wife
the seasons when they call you
baracade the doors
are you stubborn
stubborn to the core
is it your way
or the highway
is it your way
or the highway
is it your way
or the highway
is it your way
or the highway
then the longest
winter is on her way
you called her without knowing it, but now it's too late
When They Really Get to Know You They Will Run
what makes you think that it won't grow back
in a day or two
husbands in winter, they know the truth
but what can they do
i don't like girls the way they are
so shave their legs, and make them look like movie stars
then we can pretend it's natural
put on whatever makes you attractive
if it's not you, then do it for the sake of fashion
if your friends like a certain you, that's who you have to be
junior high legs; blond hair gone brown
from removing it
waxing since thirteen - wisdom from a beauty queen
her tiara digging deep in her head
put on whatever makes you attractive
if it's not you, then do it for the sake of fashion
if your friends like a certain you, that's who you have to be
that's who you've got to be
i'm starting to think that i'm kinda shy or at least i'd like to be
winter legs give me heart attacks so take it off with laser, so it never comes back
so we can pretend it's natural
Of Minor Prophets and Their Prostitute Wives
all the time you were burning my letters
you were only acting the part
you think without me you'll get on much better
but you dont even know your own heart
come home, darling
come home quickly
come home, darling
all is forgiven, so come home quickly
i treated you as if you were a princess
you treated me like a cop
i gave you boundaries to save you from certain death
dangling from the end of the rope
come home, darling
come home quickly
come home, darling
all is forgiven, so come home quickly
but your still playing for a love you'll never find
outside of these arms of mine
the whole town is one step behind you
with the hang man on call
they've got the judge and you're convicted without a plea
darling, they will listen to me
darling, they will listen to me
darling, they will listen to me
The Bells
hunger drives me
it's got me by the reigns
i let it wreck me
time and time again
i decided to
never RIDE again
i don't know
what happened
dad, i broke my promise to you
if your wondering where i've been
i thought i knew what i was doing
but i was wrong again
i understand, son
i understand, son
i understand
the fairer gender
they always turn my head
from sheer embarrassment
i'm nearly dead
dad, i broke my promise to you
if your wondering where i've been
i thought i knew what i was doing
but i was wrong again
i understand, son
i understand, son
i understand
Secret of the Easy Yoke
i could hear the church bells ringing
they pealed aloud your praise
the member's faces were smiling
with their hands outstretched to shake
it's true they did not move me
my heart was hard and tired
their perfect fire annoyed me
i could not find you anywhere
could someone please tell me the story
of sinners ransomed from the fall
i still have never seen you, and somedays
i don't love you at all
the devoted were wearing bracelets
to remind them why they came
some concrete motivation
when the abstract could not do the same
but if all that's left is duty, i'm falling on my sword
at least then, i would not serve an unseen distant lord
could someone please tell me story
of sinners ransomed from the fall
i still have never seen you, and somedays
i don't love you at all
if this only a test
i hope that i'm passing, cuz i'm losing steam
but i still want to trust you
peace be still (x3)
The Well
if you could really see
then you would ask of me
she knew the well was far too deep for him to wet his lips
but something told her that he spoke of so much more than all of this
if you could really see
then you would ask of me
when he spoke, she wanted to believe the things he said
but who could this man be that she might never thirst of again
her heart raced
could he be the one we've waited for
the one we've waited for
i'll take something to believe
something with long sleeves, cuz it's unpredictable
that jesus said he'd fill my needs, but my heart still bleeds
he's just not physical
why can't i see
if i look up and the sky's not there,
is there any reason i should be scared
but a promise, is a promise, i know
now we've established a lack of sight
maybe vision's the right word
and what i need, cuz i can't see with human eyes
lord knows i've tried to follow where he leads me
why can't i see
if i look up and the sky's not there,
is there any reason i should be scared
but a promise, is a promise, i know
for what i've seen so far, i can't believe my eyes
and what a nice surprise
if i look up and the sky's not there,
is there any reason i should be scared
but a promise, is a promise, i know
if i look up and the sky's not there,
is there any reason i should be scared
but a promise, is a promise, i know
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