Battle Metal的乐评 (2)

sugarcane_nico 2009-11-19 16:49:33


这是我06年写的。 意外翻出来了。 —————————————————————————— 有些藐视自己,如此优秀的专集竟在电脑里寄放了如此之久。 要不是往移动硬盘里倒歌,真不知道还要遗忘多久。 《Sahti-Waari》 流畅的提琴,适时而出的鼓点儿, 我听见遨游天际鹰隼的...  (展开)
Ambrosia 2013-05-10 16:03:37


1. Victoriae & Triumphi Dominus 2. As Torches Rise I take a look around, The blood of our men has painted the ground There are corpses lying everywhere Some try to pray, some cry in despair As our enemy cuts its way through our lines Desperate thought...  (展开)

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