Live in Italy的乐评 (2)

Lou Reed in the 80s
一直特别想听Lou Reed在80年代的现场。想听他在现场演奏新歌,想听80年代“机甲战士”般的音色。 似乎意大利人很喜欢Lou啊,在Google里的"搜索趋势"显示,意大利搜索"Lou Reed"的频率是最高的。 <Live in Italy>这个现场没几首新歌,尽是老歌,Sweet Jan...

听Lou Reed《Live in Italy 》
在意大利的现场,很喜欢The Wildbeats中意大利语的讲述,和背景音搭配很合适。 It's widely agreed among Lou Reed connoisseurs that his 1984 release Live in Italy is one of the best live albums of his recording career. But since it was never issued domestical...