The Way We Were的乐评 (3)

生命是种神秘 2019-12-17 12:52:54

The Way We Were

A heartbreaking love song with the supremely beautiful melody and lyric. That's so touching that I can't help shedding tears. Each time, listening to the song arouses my bittersweet memories and feelings, which stays at the deepest cornor of my mind and is ...  (展开)
Skipper 2012-08-08 00:29:04

Could we?

由钢琴陪伴的哼唱渐入弦乐的呼唤,只是那句真切恳求的“Could we?”太无奈,因为没人替我们和过去说一声。忽然汹涌的回忆,忽然变老的心境。 第一次听到这首歌是波士顿流行交响乐团的纯音乐版本(收录在《Unforgettable》专辑中),有种微妙的熟悉,如同是前世爱过的曲...  (展开)
陈俊璋 2011-05-13 10:42:55


听这首歌时,想到了美国西部60年代。夕阳西下,在牛仔的牧场上办起了家庭聚。 这时候正当人们举杯庆祝时吉他响起,一名墨西哥血统的女子清唱唱起了这首《the way we were》。她缠着头巾,穿着阔绰的绸缎布衣…当歌声响起时,而周围的人们有的仔细聆听,有的觥筹交错…孩子们四...  (展开)

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