Getz/Gilberto的乐评 (2)

Norah 2009-12-13 22:28:43


在CD小店里买下这张Bassa Nova的经典之作时还没听过Stan Getz和 João Gilberto的大名,甚至连Bassa Nova为何物都未知,只是被从音箱中飘出低婉迷离的Saxphone胶缠着漫不经心的女声所迷住,凭着直觉认为是好东西于是买下的。于是,开始了好几年泡在Bassa Nova里不能自...  (展开)
野树 2022-05-28 15:19:35

【Repost] Albums You Must Hear Before You Die

The original master tapes for this title had not been used since 1980 previous to this reissue. Also, for this Analogue Productions reissue the decision was made to master and present this album as it was originally mixed to master tape. With very few excep...  (展开)
