City of Evil的乐评 (2)

找死的兔子 2011-11-16 12:58:18

【歌词】City of Evil

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beast And The Harlot Huah! Ah! This shining city built of gold A far cry from innocence There's more than meets the eye 'Round here look to the waters of the deep A city of evil ...  (展开)
讨厌鬼 2018-09-08 16:52:41


盘来的便宜,加上封面内页设计和乐队的标志死亡蝙蝠觉得有些幼稚,但听了几遍发现这个乐队很厉害啊,这张专辑最大特点是小提琴和键盘大量使用结合双吉他编曲,每首歌旋律好到极致,编曲恢弘大气,层次分明,金属旋律收发自如。近年来难得一见的好专辑,听着不行的建议多听两遍...  (展开)

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