Aphrodite's Child was a Greek progressive rock band formed in 1967, by Vangelis Papathanassiou (keyboards), Demis Roussos (bass guitar and vocals), Loukas Sideras (drums and vocals), and Anargyros "Silver" Koulouris (guitar).[1] Their band's name was derived from the title of a track from another Mercury act, Dick Campbell, from his Sings Where It's At album. Papathanassiou a...(展开全部) Aphrodite's Child was a Greek progressive rock band formed in 1967, by Vangelis Papathanassiou (keyboards), Demis Roussos (bass guitar and vocals), Loukas Sideras (drums and vocals), and Anargyros "Silver" Koulouris (guitar).[1] Their band's name was derived from the title of a track from another Mercury act, Dick Campbell, from his Sings Where It's At album. Papathanassiou and Roussos had already been successful in Greece (playing in the bands Formynx and Idols respectively) while they got together with Sideras and Koulouris to form a new band. Their first recording as a band was for George Romanos' album In Concert and in Studio where they played on four songs and were credited as 'Vangelis and his Orchestra'. In the same year they recorded a two song demo and submitted it to Philips Records.
《Rain And Tears》 Aphrodite‘s Child(爱神之子)一支希腊籍合唱团,这首rain and tears是从德国著名作曲家帕海贝尔的作品canon(卡农)改编而成,乐团在其和弦的基础上填上新的旋律,赋予作品独特的韵味。疏缓的节拍,苍凉的嗓音,一遍遍品味其中的愁与怨。 Rain and te...
阴差阳错翻开了刘瑜的《送你一颗子弹》,大概是迷上了她以一个小女人唠叨、冷嘲热讽的心态去调侃小生活、道破大道理的文字,对于她在文中提到的Rain and Tears,自己也鬼使神差地打开了网易云去试听,然后就沦陷了。 Rain and Tears 是由希腊乐队Aphrodite’s child演唱...
1 有用 木夭 2011-10-29 22:10:40
是怎样的夜晚 翻出这首来听
0 有用 madameinsahara 2010-10-23 14:38:14
最好的时光 你有你的 我有我的 青春梦
0 有用 CHURRY 2010-04-21 14:23:56
0 有用 alpha 2015-09-16 21:36:01
0 有用 橘子我不吃 2010-12-02 10:45:36
For in my heart, there'll never be a sun
0 有用 stay bad ass 2021-05-05 22:21:04
今天下午忽然想起这个旋律 很熟悉可是打死也记不起是哪首歌了 翻遍了网易云和QQ音乐的最近播放 哼唱识曲一点忙都没有帮到 疯狂回忆最近有没有看什么新的电视剧或者是不是在哪个up主哪里种草了这段旋律 最后是看了QQ音乐的我喜欢里面一首疑似的歌 点进去听到开头才确认这是我翻箱倒柜想要找到的歌 是那天看四叔讲杜拉斯情人时的bgm 依稀记得他最后那段文字文笔很好 字也不摆了 啊 我这该死的时强时弱的记忆力
0 有用 Susan 2021-01-02 14:33:40
0 有用 🌟 2024-05-24 02:19:43 广东
一起吃碗热腾腾的面 在雨中等车 羞涩地牵起对方的手 倾向你的那把伞 最好的时光。
0 有用 hellst 2024-02-16 22:01:31 河南
0 有用 小猫喵喵喵 2021-11-28 15:43:27
rain and tears all the same,But in your heart, you feel the rainbow, the waves.....