This is a brand-new and special double CD edition of Bethlehem's cherished album Dictius Te Necare.
The two music/PC-video CDs are packaged into a DVD box and contain:
-the full Dictius album in all it's uniqueness,
NOT-RIGHT headtrip remixes from Dictius, Dark Metal and S.U.I.Z.I.D., and the above mentioned unreleased tracks, ...(展开全部) This is a brand-new and special double CD edition of Bethlehem's cherished album Dictius Te Necare.
The two music/PC-video CDs are packaged into a DVD box and contain:
-the full Dictius album in all it's uniqueness,
NOT-RIGHT headtrip remixes from Dictius, Dark Metal and S.U.I.Z.I.D., and the above mentioned unreleased tracks,
-PC-ROM videos (including a mid ninetees era live video from Dark Metal days),
-and two sought after rare tracks from the Dictius sessions. Also included is an oversized booklet with never before seen photos (group and single shots) from the Dictius and Reflektionen era of Bethlehem. And don't worry - all their abnormal and strange BETHLEHEM krank is in here as well. This god-like release is of the highest quality imaginable and is the ultimate tribute to D I C T I U S T E N E C A R E !
Dictius Te Necare Red Stream 1996 德国老牌自杀黑金属伯利恒最著名的一张唱片,一张集结所有德式黑金属精华以及浓郁自杀情感的伟大之作。无需矫揉造作的修饰与小情调的营造,单纯几个简易的riff便能营造出一种极为危险的气氛,可以说这才是真正的自杀黑金属。Landfermann...
0 有用 蘑菇云 2011-03-28 04:12:20
1 有用 摸摸 2012-12-14 22:35:36
2 有用 球宝宝 2014-03-10 06:47:45
哎我草 本来快睡了 RIFF象切菜一样直接切到我脑子里了 直接给我整兴奋了 切过去一看 果然是伯利恒 不过看乐评里说是"自杀黑".真是不敢苟同啊,这玩意不如叫黑氛围后黑金属 当然不绕口的话也可以叫他们自己的称呼"黑暗金属"
0 有用 Psychoma 2010-01-23 13:03:34
3 4 特赞
0 有用 滇池负能量之王 2011-07-10 17:05:25
0 有用 子骗湖江 2023-01-19 23:59:57 浙江
啊!伯利恒!!😭全专收藏。每个音都精准有力地砸在神经上,是完美主义者一秒爱上的气息。吉他音色真漂亮。后面是搬运:1996二专You must kill yourself,Black-doom,整体情绪比上专更black邪恶。主唱Landfermann的人声贯穿整专,不受流派习俗和思维惯性的限制,发出screeche, snarl, rasp, growl, grunt, howl(尖叫,咆哮,刺耳... 啊!伯利恒!!😭全专收藏。每个音都精准有力地砸在神经上,是完美主义者一秒爱上的气息。吉他音色真漂亮。后面是搬运:1996二专You must kill yourself,Black-doom,整体情绪比上专更black邪恶。主唱Landfermann的人声贯穿整专,不受流派习俗和思维惯性的限制,发出screeche, snarl, rasp, growl, grunt, howl(尖叫,咆哮,刺耳,低吼,咕哝,嚎叫)。吉他厚重低沉,又保持尖锐和酸性,而不是淹没在泥沼中。 (展开)
0 有用 ckw 2023-08-24 14:36:45 河北
0 有用 Noid 2022-07-04 19:26:44
0 有用 丧钟为谁而鸣 2024-09-18 12:42:48 江苏
0 有用 Virgil 2023-05-07 05:26:37 广东