Voice of Wilderness的乐评 (2)

桥之暗面 2011-04-23 22:58:37

Native Land

整张专辑最喜欢的一首歌《Native Land》, 写的是自己故乡国土的山水江河,听久了不免对芬兰有些向往, 如果有机会真想经过这个有些冰冷的忧愁却从未倒下的国度 闲来无事把歌词翻译了下 Marz与mansy对此亦有贡献 Native Land The waves of the lake splash and pines hum. ...  (展开)
小卷子 2013-01-02 13:28:44

歌词 spirit of the forest

从 SongColeta搬来的~ He never speaks But he understands Thinks higher than a man He's living in the northern lights In winter everlasting He travels around Big drum in his hand And he knows What you have in your mind There's always wolf within Th...  (展开)

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