The Emancipation of Mimi的乐评 (23)
Pitchfork乐评全文翻译《The Emancipation of Mimi》
byJulianne Escobedo Shepherd 翻译by bld *欢迎关注音乐相关翻译公众号“MusicLover翻译小站”,转载请标明出处,错漏欢迎指出 Mariah Carey正乘着Cam’ron的兰博基尼沿着罗斯福大道前往哈莱姆,她让安保人员都离她远点。午夜已过,他们都已厌倦她翠贝卡顶楼豪宅的甜点,只想...
千禧年加入维京唱片本是大展身手的时候,成品只能窥见她想要做出funky、disco的跳舞音乐。商业失败后下张仍打励志保守牌,她做制作主导位置将特质变成不自觉极端的掠用。 Kanye west和菲董的新鲜制作体现她嗓子从未有过的奢华,金光闪闪这意象在这一次得到完全释放,遍地都是丝...
The Glorious Comeback
Emancipation, free from unpleasant or unfair social, political, or legal restrictions. For Mariah,it's free from the disgraced drama and commercial failure and she just sang from the heart and make music,the result of which is beyond marvelous. It's Like Th...
her everything
love Mariah,from tip to toe,in every alt,every inflexion,and of course her incomparable body