“我的宝贝不理解,为什么我就是没法从男孩变成男人。”幼稚和无能是他们的卖点,他们为这些滑稽的特征写了太多歌。从Leave the Biker到Hat and Feet,无能指的是和勃起无关的性自卑;但既然能为心上人纹红龙纹身,还煞有介事地自称“岛镇国王”,这股愣头青劲又讨人喜欢。尽管卖点只是他们在努力精进power-pop形式的同时维持的假象,显然Chris Collingwood和Adam Schlesinger十分熟悉长大或衰老的无奈--如果写出Troubled Time和Prom Theme的人没有带着岁月的重量翻阅发黄的日记页,我就相信年龄只是一个光秃秃的数字。A-
Here we are at last. The moment soon will pass. We'll go our separate ways. We'll vanish in the haze. We'll never be the same. We'll forget each other's names. We'll grow old and lose our hair. It's all downhill from here. But tonight we feel like stars. We'll play our air guitars. Cause we're eighteen. It's a perfect night. To sing our prom theme.
0 有用 小新 2011-08-05 20:40:28
prom theme
0 有用 夏日良人° 2011-07-11 11:33:59
单曲循环Prom Theme T T
3 有用 Aesthetic Mass 2022-06-17 15:12:19
“我的宝贝不理解,为什么我就是没法从男孩变成男人。”幼稚和无能是他们的卖点,他们为这些滑稽的特征写了太多歌。从Leave the Biker到Hat and Feet,无能指的是和勃起无关的性自卑;但既然能为心上人纹红龙纹身,还煞有介事地自称“岛镇国王”,这股愣头青劲又讨人喜欢。尽管卖点只是他们在努力精进power-pop形式的同时维持的假象,显然Chris Collingwood和Adam Schlesinger十分熟悉长大或衰老的无奈--如果写出Troubled Time和Prom Theme的人没有带着岁月的重量翻阅发黄的日记页,我就相信年龄只是一个光秃秃的数字。A-
0 有用 猛汉世雄 2008-02-18 12:15:37
1 有用 water 2009-05-27 17:01:25
0 有用 eva 2012-11-06 14:37:08
只能接受Prom theme这一首
0 有用 铭心 2013-10-13 09:12:18
一张碟里总有几首不喜欢几首喜欢的不得了。Prom Theme写得太好了。
0 有用 徐习之 2014-05-15 14:54:00
0 有用 allan仕倫 2010-03-24 00:12:56
原来那首prom theme就在这个album里面
0 有用 左岸单行道 2009-05-23 23:31:29
喜欢Prom Theme.
0 有用 Ans. 2016-08-03 13:41:56
我只能说Prom Theme太美了
0 有用 Septem 2009-03-17 17:16:04
Hat and Feet!
0 有用 前海小金鱼 2011-06-14 17:05:28
0 有用 春迟。 2009-05-16 17:45:31
prom theme
0 有用 CK 2011-07-29 23:33:05
Here we are at last. The moment soon will pass. We'll go our separate ways. We'll vanish in the haze. We'll never be the same. We'll forget each other's names. We'll grow old and lose our hair. It's all downhill from here. But tonight we feel like stars. We'll play our air guitars. Cause we're eighteen. It's a perfect night. To sing our prom theme.
0 有用 $5 Pearls 2012-11-15 10:31:09
Prom Theme
0 有用 Diamondvip 2009-06-26 15:58:17
red dragon tatto
0 有用 哼哼唧唧 2011-08-17 21:40:44
0 有用 PJwhat 2008-04-19 18:27:02
0 有用 养生王姐 2011-06-22 18:10:28