Mirage的乐评 (2)

【乐评】Camel《Mirage》 Sincerely, I always considered that Camel is an underrated progressive band among the greatest bands of the 70's. Probably it was mainly due to the Andrew Latimer's voice. Latimer is the main vocalist of the band despite that is tru...

Camel – Mirage
Camel – Mirage 海市蜃楼 译者: @熊猫哥哥 1.Freefall - 自由落体 2.Supertwister - 大旋风 3.Nimrodel/The Procession/The White Ride - 宁若戴尔河/游行/白骑士 4.Earthrise - 地球升起 5.Lady Fantasy: Encounter/Smiles for You/Lady Fantasy - 梦幻女士:相遇/为你莞尔/...