Where the Wild Roses Grow的乐评 (7)
阳朔以及《Where The Wild Rose Grow》
阳朔以及《Where The Wild Rose Grow》 作者:monosolo 写于:2003年 上个周末的时候,去了阳朔,是陪一个深圳的朋友去的,他无可救药的喜欢上了一个北京的女孩,因为那个女孩到了阳朔,所以。。。。 算上这次,今年我去了大概9次阳朔,这让我开始腻味。自从阳朔被称为小...
ALL Beauty Must Die.
The King of Goth with the Princess of 80's Tacky Pop: a recipe for disaster you'd assume. And you would be...wrong! This unorthodox duet works well, and the result is a haunting ballad softly shocking our Inner ear membrane as well as our soul.It's so macab...
多年前在书店里淘来的[穿过骨头抚摸你],厚厚的书,两张MP3压的CD,精美有纹理的光盘表面印刷,晚自习下课,雨夜,高烧,窝在出租屋的铁架床上,捂紧被子,用CD随身听单曲循环,You call me the wild roses,but my name was alisa day...啊,多么美好的青春岁月,当时哪里想得...