Erotica is the fifth studio album by American singer-songwriter Madonna, released on October 20, 1992 by Maverick Records. The album was released simultaneously with Madonna's first book publication, Sex. The RIAA certified it double platinum on January 6, 1993, recognizing two million shipments throughout the U.S. Worldwide sales are currently recorded at over 5 million. The...(展开全部) Erotica is the fifth studio album by American singer-songwriter Madonna, released on October 20, 1992 by Maverick Records. The album was released simultaneously with Madonna's first book publication, Sex. The RIAA certified it double platinum on January 6, 1993, recognizing two million shipments throughout the U.S. Worldwide sales are currently recorded at over 5 million. The album has been certified Double Platinum in the UK with sales exceeding 600,000. Erotica's fifth single, "Rain," got recognition at the MTV Video Music Awards in 1993, and the album spawned her critically successful Girlie Show World Tour. Erotica was Madonna's first album to have the Parental Advisory sticker. 麦当娜于1992年发行的专辑,内容黑暗。歌曲《Bad Girl》源自电影《Bodyof Evidence》,表达了生存、死亡等晦涩的主题,并不为歌迷接受,创下了麦当娜歌曲的最低排名。《Fever》则翻唱自Peggy Lee的名曲,麦当娜以全新的舞曲曲风进行了演绎。标题曲《Erotica》的音乐录像带又因为过于暴露而遭到禁播。其实这张专辑的内涵十分深刻,谈到了暴力、性、艾滋病等等话题,但支持之声寥寥。一片沈重中的《Deeper And Deeper》则是专辑中最为轻快的舞厅歌曲,也成为了这张专辑中最为歌迷喜爱的歌曲。专辑销量仅480万张。
(版号:Maverick/SIRE 9 40585-2;ISRC:0-9362-40585-2-6) 这几天整理老唱片,一下子翻出了这张单曲集,女王的情欲写真。Give it up. Do as I say. 女王一遍又一遍不停重复着那隐晦的欲望,和封面的那对眼睛表达的东西一样多。即将四分钟拯救世界的女王已经不再年轻,当年...
================================ TrackList: 01. Erotica 02. Fever 03. Bye Bye Baby 04. Deeper and Deeper 05. Where Life Begins 06. Bad Girl 07. Waiting 08. Thief of Hearts 09. Words 10. Rain 11. Why's It So Hard 12. In This Life 13. Did You Do I...
21 有用 李还乱 2017-08-04 23:19:24
A 先锋如Erotica是一张尖刻的专辑吗?不,它更多是榛仁巧克力般颗粒突出(配器)又柔顺入扣(演唱)的情欲形态,被Hip-Hop节拍紧紧缝合在一起。Madoona的性解放在视觉上突破疆界,却在音乐上以围炉夜话的氛围、吐气如兰的念白放大了人类对性的追求,即本性中对舒适感的摸索。
2 有用 YoyoRan 2008-05-01 00:09:53
Erotica 我最爱麦姐这首歌
124 有用 tlmgt 2012-05-20 21:00:46
这张专辑一点都不无聊,如果你愿意花时间去消化到最后会发现 即使只看单独的音乐性,也丝毫不逊色于专辑的内容 --Erotica这个强大的概念和立意。听听里面的音效,密密麻麻却不厚重 丰富得简直都要闭嘴惊艳
12 有用 睡美男 2015-11-25 18:14:25
21 有用 木一 2012-09-11 08:51:50
0 有用 纪念品 2024-09-20 21:54:16 四川
+ sexy confident
0 有用 R40 2024-11-05 04:49:29 内蒙古
Erotica, Madonna @2018-12-20 12:03:11
0 有用 SpeadingVommit 2024-09-18 13:40:08 广东
补标 伟大
0 有用 LitDinosaur 2024-11-12 20:42:38 广东
2024.11.10 #1075 93分 由内到外都紧贴“Erotica”一词,对性主题更加大胆的讨论(这在她的作品中并不是新鲜事,只是更进一步)、游弋在耳边的暧昧演唱、二分制作风格的情绪变换以及她彼时巅峰期期间永不流俗的音乐巧思,继续改变着行业面貌。
0 有用 Uipotom 2024-10-02 15:41:27 浙江
[RYM 3.60] Dance-Pop, Contemporary R&B, House #1 #2 #4 #8