Sissel的乐评 (5)

音乐:天堂,现世 or 地狱?
There are endless kinds of music, which expresses out tons of emotions. But the most fundermental, distinct, or amazing catagories to me, are the music is from heaven? reality? or hell. People may like some of each groups, whereas most fans will be extremel...

we both know
鬼批判最近咋都听英文歌。其实一点也不想。只是由于一向喜欢的歌路,听了总不免想太多。就像那天半夜醒来开mp3,无意中听到的第一句便把自己怵得半死,赶紧关掉。第二天硬是把那首排山倒海反反复复得地听,直至麻木。 又回到sissel,还是这样的声音最适合。慵懒随性却又华丽迷...