White Light/White Heat的乐评 (3)

Chara 2012-07-04 23:15:59

The Gift的歌词

Waldo jeffers had reached his limit. it was now mid-august which meant that he had been separated from marsha for more than two months. two months, and all he had to show was three dog-eared let And two very expensive long-distance phone calls. true, when s...  (展开)
豆瓣大江湖骗子 2020-06-12 18:48:26


the gift歌词长得不得了,歌词是主唱小时候写的一篇作文。heard her call my name白噪音尖锐而刺耳。sister ray把乐队所有的愤怒都宣泄在最后一部分(相当于披头士一首长歌的长度。the gift歌词长得不得了,歌词是主唱小时候写的一篇作文。heard her call my name白噪音尖锐而...  (展开)
2010-03-18 22:11:50

Velvet Underground老少咸宜,风味独特,居家旅行必备.

欣赏小提琴可以听香蕉海洛因 热衷白噪音可以听白光雷姐姐 如果喜欢听功底十足,编曲地道,请别忘了地下丝绒 即使喜欢听小清新的,陈老师的,请也别忘了地下丝绒! 两张同名 加Loaded Squeeze 大快朵颐! VU动静两相宜,在地下丝绒,总能找到你的口味. 其实第一次听这张碟之前我还是...  (展开)

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