Help!的乐评 (5)

追忆 The Beatles 3(上)Help!
Come on, 来吧,振作一下,Help! 写到这张专辑了,发现之前有点犯糊涂了——只顾了写整张专辑,却忘了把 Beatles 的一些同时期发行的著名单曲写进去了。Beatles 可能是在这方面最为大胆的乐队之一,从他们的第二张专辑开始,他们就作了一个惊人的决定:为了避免歌迷重复购买相...

Review by Stephen Thomas Erlewine
Considering that Help! functions as the Beatles' fifth album and as the soundtrack to their second film -- while filming, they continued to release non-LP singles on a regular basis -- it's not entirely surprising that it still has some of the weariness of ...