2004 single for the German pop vocalist follows three successful albums & is a gift to her fans while she takes time out to enjoy motherhood. Six tracks, 'Just One Dance' feat. Natural (Radio Version, College Radio Version, Kayrob Dance Rmx, Video Version
前段时间机缘巧合又去找了听,脱离开闹钟的加成,是好听的,脑子里一直都循环,turn around around around~
Just one last dance baby Just one last dance before we say goodbye when we sway and turn round and round and round it's like the first time Just one more chance hold me tight and keep me warm cause the night is getting cold and I don't know where I belong...
Just one last dance这首电影的主题曲远比电影本身来得出名,是著名歌手sarah connor 和她的丈夫marc一起合唱的,我最先听到的是sarah一个人唱的,到最近才听到两个人合唱的版本。 sarah的声音是那种听起来会到达很远很广的地方,一片展开,细细润入,之前也一直听的MP3,看了...
0 有用 xswl 2011-05-20 19:14:12
听宿舍走廊里有姑娘哼 觉得超熟悉 但是就是想不起歌名 哈哈 最后还是回忆起来了闹
0 有用 平湖·秋月 2008-11-22 13:22:06
0 有用 丶 2011-12-19 20:10:01
0 有用 洛洛 2009-02-10 00:59:32
0 有用 清流~Nocturn 2010-03-28 14:28:08
0 有用 一叶知秋 2024-07-19 18:40:17 云南
最后一支舞,感情的告别之作。 有种无奈的华丽忧伤,传达即将永别的深深痛苦和无奈,旋律优美感人,歌词触动心弦。
0 有用 Lemi 2024-12-21 19:22:04 广东
Just one last dance, Before we say goodbye, When we sway and turn round and round and round, It's like the first time.
0 有用 小薇Carrie 2024-10-05 10:28:22 北京
0 有用 念离 2024-10-13 12:17:09 江苏
0 有用 宜室宜家 2024-06-26 18:54:01 山东
初中的时候沉迷言情小说,里面男女主重逢一方在KTV高歌此曲勾起两人无数回忆。作者拿歌词水了特别多字数,但当时的我不仅没有意识到还深受感动,将其定成闹钟铃声。听了一冬天后有七八年再也没听过了,一听就会想起摸黑起床上学的痛苦。 前段时间机缘巧合又去找了听,脱离开闹钟的加成,是好听的,脑子里一直都循环,turn around around around~