911 are an English pop group consisting of Lee Brennan, Jimmy Constable and Simon "Spike" Dawbarn. They were formed in London in 1995 and released their debut single "Night to Remember" in May 1996. This was followed by their debut album The Journey in March 1997, which was certified Gold by the BPI in November 1997.
看到圆圆眼睛的小男孩对着镜头作鬼脸,立刻就爱上他。这是一张红颜色封套的VCD,封面写的是911 the journey,背面写了love sensation,don't make me wait(one more day),night to remember,the day we find love,body shaking,the journey六首歌名。在某一个破旧的音像...
★★★★☆ by Peter Fawthrop It is amazing to think of all the education that could be learned if boy bands from around the world added some cultural flavor to their music. Instead of Irish tin whistles and accordions and Scottish bagpipes, we get the co...
當年有好多不錯的組合。Westlife BSB N'SYNC 等等。對911情有獨鍾。 LOVE SENSATION打動了我。3個大男孩在沙灘上的MV青春無敵。 THE DAY WE FIND LOVE哀怨卻很上口。 PARTY PEOPLE FRIDAY NIGHT歌詞很不錯。 BODY SHAKING和當時BSB的GET DOWN一樣的勁爆。 喜歡LEE的聲譽...
0 有用 [已注销] 2013-04-29 04:54:55
1 有用 seren 2006-08-10 18:14:25
0 有用 二手磕学家 2013-05-15 19:22:52
0 有用 F 2008-07-11 23:27:37
当年真是太喜欢他们了……那首至今一听见就让我泪流满面的The Journey啊……
0 有用 Flyinight 2008-12-01 15:14:25
0 有用 Taecomme 2021-10-11 14:27:38
a night to remeber 7.5/10
0 有用 蛤蜊蛏子皮皮虾 2014-10-30 10:08:38
0 有用 那颗晴空 2015-12-17 21:09:14
真是老了,内牛满面 ...
0 有用 戀戀清葶 2020-03-14 20:44:54
0 有用 SladeGreen 2018-06-09 17:50:32
6星。不多说了,Boy Band的究极形态。