Winning Days的乐评 (4)

古都的树 2007-06-18 16:39:19


之前并没有听过The Vines,选择这张《Winning Days》”只有一个理由,为了那五彩缤纷、色彩艳丽的卡通封面。一个有死鱼眼的长发男人在唱着什么,背景是开到荼糜的绚烂花朵,都是些浓墨重彩,斑斓得叫人欣喜。所以毫不犹豫地想听在这样包装下的会是怎样的音乐。 第一遍是在深夜...  (展开)
风风 2008-05-16 20:31:40

winning days~

winning days& autumn shade营造的世界完全不同于其他歌曲..两首歌就像秋日的午后,虽然近冬却依旧温暖..animal machine则恢复了一贯的风格..嗯,就是那种听着觉得有点儿奇怪的感觉  (展开)
oasistrokes 2012-08-12 23:34:15

Review by Heather Phares

Two years after their single "Get Free" seemed to be everywhere in one form or another, the Vines returned with their unfortunately named second album, Winning Days. A textbook case of the sophomore slump, the album lacks the hooks, melodies, and enthusiasm...  (展开)

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