Interstellar Space的乐评 (4)

John Coltrane - Interstellar Space(1967)
Rashied Ali全面代替Elvin Jones成为John Coltrane鼓手后的登峰造极之作,高音萨克斯和鼓的配合非但不显单调反而孔武有力, 张弛多变,空间感层次感很强,5首曲目全是以John Coltrane的摇铃为引子,Saxphone弯延曲折和爵士鼓高低落错,仿佛身临星际空间,这是对Free Jazz/Free Improvi...

something Cosmic
Quote from Wikipedia: According to Ben Ratliff, Interstellar Space was "minimally planned", and "happened on what seemed for Ali to be a routine visit to Rudz Van Gelder's studio. Ali arrived with his friend Jimmy Vass, expecting to find the other band memb...