Loyal to the Game的乐评 (2)

风子 2011-11-25 22:08:22


尽管2PAC已经被枪杀已经8年了,他依旧有不少生前遗作不断地被整理出版。这张他死后的第7张专辑,是由他的歌迷Eminem制作的,使得它更像是两个隔世说唱超级巨星的一次超级合作,因此,它一发表就成为销量冠军根本就不是件值得大惊小怪的事。尽管客串的说唱/嘻哈明星是一长串星光...  (展开)
G. 2020-06-10 08:27:30

loyal to the game

On December 12th, 2004, Loyal to the Game became Tupac Shakur’s ninth studio album and fifth posthumous album. It was notably produced by Detroit rapper Eminem who also featured on two tracks, “Soldier Like Me” and “Black Cotton”. The lead single, “Th...  (展开)

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