To Drive The Cold Winter Away的乐评 (2)

吴西皮 2008-01-27 00:17:49


Loreena Mckennitt的声音优美之处纤毫毕现,深情而完美.这么多年来,她一直都是我最喜爱的女歌手之一.有时候我觉得很难找到一个形容词来形容一种声音,LM就是这样的.她的声音之美无法被一种文字所表达,所有的文字对于音乐来说都是苍白的,包括我写下的这一切.音乐欣赏唯...  (展开)
音乐虫子 2009-01-02 05:26:17

a few more words about this cd

it is quite moving for me. This kind of touching and moving intrinsic are also very consistent in this cd. not like some other vey gay music.  (展开)

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