1977的乐评 (4)

From 1977 with Love
要把年代装冰箱,一共分几步?有时,只需要偷懒的加一个《 》就可以,比如《1984》。来自北爱尔兰的Ash深的其中奥妙,1996年的《1977》就是一场将70年代流行文化打包的装冰箱。 1977年究竟发生了什么,音乐迷第一件事就想到了性手枪的《别瞎哔哔,你大爷还是你大爷》的出版;电...

Review by Stephen Thomas Erlewine
Two-thirds of Ash were born in 1977, which means that their latter-day punk-pop isn't very Catholic. Instead of sticking to the rigid rules of American punk-pop -- which means you can't stretch the song past three minutes -- Ash take a cinematic approach to...