This is Jesse Cook's fifth album, which is mixed with richer musical elements than his previous albums. The most fascinating melody to me is the second one"Quadukka-I-Mayyas". This is a excellent albu...This is Jesse Cook's fifth album, which is mixed with richer musical elements than his previous albums. The most fascinating melody to me is the second one"Quadukka-I-Mayyas". This is a excellent album, but on the whole, it yields to Pop musical genre to some sorts.(展开)
If a Nomad is someone who walks all over the globe aimlessly, then Jesse Cook's album is improperly titled. There's nothing aimless about it; Cook's fiery flamenco style is still the heart of it all and he's more in sync with his guests than most new age ar...
0 有用 阿郎的夏天 2012-05-20 17:03:12
new_flamenco 新弗拉明戈 吉他
0 有用 冤大头 2011-05-07 09:48:27
This is Jesse Cook's fifth album, which is mixed with richer musical elements than his previous albums. The most fascinating melody to me is the second one"Quadukka-I-Mayyas". This is a excellent albu... This is Jesse Cook's fifth album, which is mixed with richer musical elements than his previous albums. The most fascinating melody to me is the second one"Quadukka-I-Mayyas". This is a excellent album, but on the whole, it yields to Pop musical genre to some sorts. (展开)
0 有用 待注销 2021-07-03 01:08:35
@2012-11-08 12:34:43
0 有用 疯了的鱼 2023-12-19 08:07:47 广东
0 有用 dingmumu 2013-06-23 22:36:37
Jesse Nomad听起来,劳伦斯开始写起来。
0 有用 玻璃橱窗 2019-01-15 09:25:51
心神涣散 的我
0 有用 圳美一姐小渡边 2014-01-08 21:44:40
0 有用 sinphor 2015-01-27 19:15:27
0 有用 momo 2021-07-02 00:51:21
@2012-11-08 12:34:43
0 有用 待注销 2021-07-03 01:08:35
@2012-11-08 12:34:43