Ramones的乐评 (13)
Thanks Dad, for introducing me to the Ramones
这是一个美国孩子长大后对他的父亲说的话。曾几何时Ramones就是一代人的青春,在”I Wanna Be Sedated“那MV中乐队四个人故作镇静的坐在画面的中心,面无表情的吃着垃圾食品。周围全是欢闹的场面,底下好多美国人无不动情的回忆,评论着过去与Ramones度过的美好时光,包括骂娘...
hey oh! let's go!
Beat on the Brat
Beat on the Brat was said by Joey to have origins relating to the middle class of New York City. When I lived in Birchwood Towers in Forest Hills with my mom and brother. It was a middle-class neighborhood, with a lot of rich, snotty women who had horr...