Bach: 6 Suiten für Violoncello solo的乐评 (10)

自己感觉能量比较低的时候,一些高能演绎暂时不想听了,不知不觉选了Pierre Fournier最著名的这套巴赫大提琴无伴奏。同样不知不觉地,没有从第一张,那首光明的《第一号组曲》听起,而是将CD2放入机器,播放情感内向,略微沉重的《第二号无伴奏组曲》。但这样,益发让我感受到F...

Personally Unassuming Interpretations(转发)
Of all the great cellists I have heard playing Bach's six Cello Suites, BWV1007-12, either in the concert hall or in recordings of various kinds, Pierre Fournier came closer to the heart of the music, as I understand it, than almost any other. He made these...