In the Nightside Eclipse的乐评 (6)

Meursault 2022-12-30 21:07:53


很难指出到底是哪一点让这张专辑这么伟大,因为它伟大的点实在太多了。Emperor在这张专辑中创造性地运用了合成器来营造一种磅礴的交响乐的氛围,这是在之前的所有粗糙的、原始的黑金属中前所未有的。主唱Ishahn也展现出了他有史以来最出色的唱功,他的声音听起来就像一个发了疯...  (展开)
什么? 2016-09-14 18:01:23


ihsahn是个poser,他不会唱歌,他只会学king diamond怪叫,等到他学会了唱歌,他就不玩黑金属了。sammoth不会作曲,他只会玩死亡金属,他玩的都是过气音乐,他和ihsahn一样都是poser。faust不会打鼓,他只会打人,emperor的歌他都是用罐头盖录的,pytten不是好制作人,他只会制...  (展开)
Goat 2024-02-18 12:29:51


Emperor的首张全长专辑,制作人是挪威黑金属圈的大腕Eirik Hundvin。你能想到的挪威黑金属第一波经典基本都是他的手笔,就是说他定义了挪威黑金属之声也不为过。这张的听感明显没有Anthems那么loud,声场也更靠后。乐器单拿出来比都没有Anthems录的那么清晰,但是胜在会厚实一...  (展开)
КГБ 2021-12-04 19:50:58

Emperor’s In The Nightside Eclipse: the album that transformed metal’s evilest genre!

Black metal’s controversies threatened to overshadow Emperor’s debut album. But it rose above them to become the album that busted the scene wide open The internet seems to think In The Nightside Eclipse came out on February 21, 1994, yet anyone who was t...  (展开)
rui 2021-10-07 13:15:06


The mighty Emperor took the black metal blueprint and took it to immensely majestic heights with In the Nightside Eclipse. The addition of keyboards brought with a heap of mystical atmosphere that worked better than anyone could have imagined, and the band ...  (展开)
汪杨 2010-03-20 15:40:18

听Emperor《In the Nightside Eclipse》

黑金的高峰,不用多说。 专辑名称:In The Nightside Eclipse 专辑风格:黑暗交响金属 发行时间: 1994 专辑介绍: 崛起于正统黑金属原产地挪威的经典乐团Emperor(帝王),专辑《黯淡无光》「In The Nightside Eclipse」的发行开启了早期黑金属所未曾到达的新境界,而黑金...  (展开)

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